Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Four-Month Checkup

Weight: 16 lb 10.5 oz (75-90%)
Height: 26.7" (90-95%)
Head: 16.7" (50-75%)

  • Tummy time! He's tolerant of being on his belly, and has no problem looking straight ahead for extended periods of time.
  • Hand-to-mouth. His entire fist spends a great deal of time inside his mouth.
  • Smiling and giggling. He's so incredibly aware of the people around him; he recognizes us and greets us with smiles and giggles.
  • SLEEP! At four months, routinely sleeps nearly twelve hours, with 0 or 1 nighttime feed.
  • Rolling over. He can roll front-to-back, and will (occasionally) even try a back-to-front.
  • Grabbing. He can grab and hold toys for short periods of time.
Archer is BIG and STRONG! He's already exceeded Elora's height at six months, and is showing incredible strength. His ability to control his head, and even drag himself around is incredible for a baby of his age. He can actually spin around in full circles by pulling on blankets, carpet, fences, or toys.

He loves his people. This can be a double-edged sword; he is happy to lay on the floor as long as he can see you, but the second you're out of eyesight, the fussing starts. This is particularly challenging in a rear-facing carseat, to which he still routinely objects.

I CHOOSE to wear this blanket...

Sibling interactions

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Archer, Archer man! (two months)

2 Month Stats
Weight: 13pounds, 13.5ounces
Height: 24.3 inches
Head circumference: 15.75inches
Clothing size: 6 months
Diaper size: 2
The past couple of months with Archer have been a joy. Elora was a fairly easy baby but Archer has been easier. So, that definitely says something. Generally he's asleep no later than ten and often sleeps straight through till six. Sometimes he wakes up for a feed around three or four but not all the time. The past week or so I've started putting him to sleep in his crib and he's had absolutely no trouble with the transition. He has the amazing ability to settle himself at night. He sleeps better now than Elora did at six months and we had to sleep train her! He continues to have great neck and trunk control and it gets better every day. He now reaches for and grabs toys. Especially those hanging from the piano kicking mat. He's begun to articulate giggles and 'talks' in adorable goos and gaas. As the pictures below will show, he's very quick to smile and is usually in a very good mood. He still gets a little fussy in the evenings but can be easily settled by being jiggled on a knee. I think it would be even easier to soothe him if he would take a pacifier but he has steadfastly refused them and has not quite mastered finger/thumb sucking yet. The one particularly challenging thing we've experienced with him is a true hate of the car seat. He'll cry and grumble and fuss when put into it until he finally fusses himself to sleep.

All that hair!

Monday, September 1, 2014

One-Month Checkup

Weight: 11lb 1oz (75%)
Height: 22.5" (50-75%)
Head Circumference: 15" (75%)

With his checkup also comes a diagnosis: colic. Apparently colic is not just "crying all the time", but rather most typically a distinct and regular period of increased unexplained crying. No, it's nothing to do with gas. However, the fates give and take - Archer's colic-y period ends before midnight, and he can sleep upwards of five hours at night! That's right, one month in and we're already building up towards the full-night-sleep endgame!

Archer is big, and STRONG! Almost from birth he's had the ability to lift and support his head.

Lately, he's become very alert; his trademark quiet-alert mode face is one of intense curiosity, and he loves to look at people.

He has really embraced the joy of the piano mat, not just for kicking, but for playing with the toys that hang from it.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Archer is here!

At 4:35pm on Saturday July 26th, Archer James Jarrett was introduced to this world! He weighed a whopping 9lb 2oz, and was 22" tall.

Mom, Dad, and Archer all survived the ordeal and are in good health. Elora enjoyed her time at home with Grandma Leanne (who has helped us out so much in her time here). Everything went so well, that we were released by lunchtime, less than a day after he was born.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Finished Bedroom

Once, long ago, in a house far away, your Daddy transformed an office space into Elora's first nursery. When we moved to Lynnwood, we painstakingly recreated the experience in our new home, complete with antique chandelier and signature pink stripes.

Archer, when we found out that you were going to be born, your Mommy's mind went straight to work with an even bolder plan for your room.

After our move, the bedroom became a dumping ground. Mostly crafting supplies, but also spare furniture, baby gear, and whatever random boxes we couldn't be bothered to break down. It was... a little cluttered.

After great efforts, we got it cleared, except for the to-be-built crib and some furniture for working storage. Wait... isn't that the exact same Ikea shelf featured prominently when Elora's room? It SURE IS!
It took some time, but the curtains went away, a couple of coats of blue and white paint went up. And wallpaper border!

We also found a specialized chandelier and decal for the roof. Does the East and West look wrong to you? It's a strange curiosity that you'll only find when you have a compass on the roof. We spent much time puzzling this before making the switch.

THE FINAL RESULT! New window coverings, some clever rope shelves, and a day spent on the floor with an allen key.

36-Week Ultrasound

Sorry it's three weeks late...

Archer is going to be big one! At 36wks, already measuring 7lb7oz, already bigger than Elora when she was born. He's very active; moving regularly, kicking, punching, and even practice breathing.

Techno dancing...

Head circumference > 90%ile. Wonder where he gets that from...

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Nicknames (beta)

The nickname specification for Archer is still in draft stage, and is expected to publish in 2015.

For now, please follow these simple rules:
1. "Archie" is never okay.
2. "Archie" IS NEVER OKAY!
3. Every September 19th, Archer must be referred to as "Arrrrrrrrrch".

Friday, March 14, 2014

Introducing Archer

Oops, we did it again!

Amber is twenty weeks pregnant. Somewhere in the vicinity of July 26th 2014, a baby boy will be joining our family: Archer James Jarrett.

This blog is the dual to Raising Elora, the blog for Archer's older sister, Elora. Why does Archer (or Elora) need a blog? I covered this in the introductory post of Raising Elora. There will be pictures, stats and other content of interest to those who have an interest in our son.

Why "Archer"?

Because he's the world's greatest secret agent!

Boy names were always a bigger debate between us than the girl names. Amber's love of Gaelic boy names often ran afoul of my desire for strong and simple (some would even say boring) names. "Hunter" would have worked, if not for already having Hunter the Cat. Wolf was briefly in the running. Sadly, the universe of Willow was not an effective source for boys names - I was vetoed on both Airk and Kael. I have been informed, though without any backing evidence, that "Madmartigan" is not an appropriate name for a child.

Up to and during the early weeks of pregnancy, our first pick was actually "Dylan". Archer came up, and while not initially our first choice, it quickly took root, and within a few weeks seemed like a foregone conclusion.

That's all for now. Ultrasounds and stats coming soon.